24/01/2025 |
Our partner Yuichi Sakata has been working on the part-time basis since January 2023. Now he retired on 23 January 2025. We once again deeply appreciate all kindness extended to him by our clients, partners and friends until today.
18/12/2024 |
Akiyoshi Ikeyama made a presentation in a seminar with respect to Amendments Outline of the Commercial Code of Japan related to electronic bill of lading.
10/10/2024 |
A legal column titled “Movements for Legislation for Electronic Bills of Lading in Japan (3)” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama has been posted.
26/08/2024 |
A legal column titled ” Invitation to the Japanese maritime law from key Concepts (5) ― “management” and “operation” of a ship” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama has been posted.
28/08/2023 |
A legal column titled ” Invitation to the Japanese maritime law from key Concepts (4) ― the “ownership” of a ship and a “shipowner”” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama has been posted.
24/05/2023 |
An article titled “Autonomou ships ―Autonomous ships and civil liability” written by Ryoichi Kasahara was published in Horitsu Jiho No.1183 p.47 (November 2022).
04/04/2023 |
A legal column titled “Movements for Legislation for Electronic Bills of Lading in Japan (2)” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama has been posted.
22/12/2022 |
Akiyoshi Ikeyama acted as Moderator in Q & A session in the 5th JMC Maritime Promotion Seminar hosted by the Japan Maritime Center, “Legislation and Promotion of Use for Electronic Bills of Lading” on December 9, 2022.
28/11/2022 |
An article titled ” Obligation to discharge and receive the goods carried in carriage by sea ” written by Satoshi Fukamachi was published in Maritime Law Review (Kaijiho Kenkyu kaishi) No. 256 (August 2022).
28/11/2022 |
A legal column titled “Understanding the Japanese maritime law from key Concepts (3) ― the “nationality” of a ship” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama has been posted.
28/07/2022 |
A legal column titled “Movements for Legislation for Electronic Bills of Lading in Japan” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama has been posted.
11/11/2021 |
A legal column titled “Understand the Japanese maritime law from key concepts(2) ― The “sea” and a “ship”” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama has been posted.
16/10/2021 |
Ryoichi Kasahara made a presentation entitled “Autonomous ships and civil liability in ship collisions” at The Maritime Law Association of Japan on October 16, 2021.
15/10/2021 |
Satoshi Fukamachi, attorney-at-law at our corporation, completed his term of the secondment to The Japan Ship Owners’ Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association (Japan P&I Club) and returned to our corporation.
07/05/2021 |
An article titled “Autonomous ships and civil liability in ship collisions” written by Ryoichi Kasahara was published in Maritime Law Review (Kaijiho Kenkyu kaishi) No. 250 (February 2021).
29/03/2021 |
A legal column titled “Understand the Japanese maritime law from key concepts (1)― “Gross Negligence” and “Reckless Act with Knowledge”” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama has been posted.
30/07/2019 |
A legal column titled “Possible impacts on charterparties of repeated attacks on ships by unknown entities (Japanese version only)” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama, Narabu Ito and Satoshi Fukamachi has been posted.
07/05/2019 |
A legal column titled “Outline of Act to partially amend Commercial Code and International COGSA” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama has been posted.
26/03/2019 |
A legal column titled “A preliminary study on effects of Brexit (in particular No Deal Brexit) to contracts for international carriage of goods by sea (Japanese version only)” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama, Narabu Ito and Satoshi Fukamachi has been posted.
15/05/2018 |
An article titled “The Ocean Victory– Was it simply an abnormal occurrence?” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama was published in WaveLength No.63 (2018).
12/03/2018 |
A legal column titled “Influence on the contract of carriage of goods by sea and contract of international aviation by various “situation” stipulated in Japanese Military Legislation and administrative act due to the occurrence of “situation”” written by Yuichi Sakata, Akiyoshi Ikeyama, Narabu Ito, Ryoichi Kasahara and Satoshi Fukamachi has been posted.
12/03/2018 |
An article titled “An Influence of Japanese Civil Code Reform upon the Current Bill of Lading Transactions” written by Narabu Ito was published in WaveLength No.62 (March 2017).
12/03/2018 |
An article titled “Analysis of the Liability of the Carrier from a practical perspective” written by Akiyoshi Ikeyama was published in Horitsu Jiho No. 1122 p.33 (March 2018) .